The CDTI Innovation promotes the participation of new generations in the field of nuclear fusion

José Moisés Martin, Director General of the CDTI innovation, has participated today in the inauguration of the"II Jornada on opportunities for young researchers on nuclear fusion"that has been aimed at connecting students interested in the field of merger with the most important companies of the industry sector of science

Jornada Oportunidades para jóvenes investigadores en fusión
For the CDTI innovation, fusion energy is a priority for his immense benefits to the science and technology

During the opening have also been involved Joaquin sánchez, Director of the coordination Científico-técnicaCIEMAT, José Ignacio Doncel, deputy director-General and Technological Infrastructure of GICsMinistry of science, innovation and universities, Aitor Echeandia, vice-president ofINEUSTARand Dario Cruz, of the organization of educationFuseNet.

Following the success of the first edition, thisjornada informativahas offered the possibility for students from the bachelor's degree, FP, University Degrees and doctorates, master of stakeholders on issues relating to the merger to maintain contact with the most important companies of the industry sector of science, and given visibility job opportunities that, in the coming years, are expected in this sector, also in the younger generations.

In this event, organized by CIEMAT,InducienciaandCDTI Innovationthey have taken part 9 of the undertakings and entities of the most unique IFMIF-DONES industry such as the Universidad politécnica de Madrid (UPM), infrastructure centre of Lasers Reset (CLPU), the university of seville, UNED and F4E.

Moreover, has prepared a special agenda for a small pre-universitarios students to visit the stellarator TJ-II and laboratories of liquid metal. After this presentation, there has been a job fair where young people have had the opportunity to interact with all the entities and companies involved.

CDTI Innovation: industrial Point of contact

TheCDTI Innovationit is, for more than 30 years, the industrial point of contact (ILO, for its acronyms in english) of the major international scientific infrastructure in which spain participates in the areas of particle physics, astronomy and fusion, putting intense accompanies businesses in their training to become a supplier of scientific infrastructure, industry support through financial aid granted to numerous projects that have been key to which enterprises can then be competitive in the bidding.

In this context, the spanish industry is playing a leading role in recent decades, for his contribution and provision of equipment and of high-tech systems to the large infrastructure científico-tecnológicas. The Science is a very intensive sector r & D, primarily the exporter and with great potential for technology transfer and constant way between companies, universities, research centres and other innovative actors.

CDTI Innovation

The CDTI innovation is the public funding of innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.

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