The CDTI Innovation disseminates the convening of the european Partnership 2024 Driving Urban Transitions (DUT)

The Partnership Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) opens a new call whose goal is to support transnational projects of research and innovation that addressed urban challenges to help cities in its transition to a functioning economy and a more sustainable

DUT Convocatoria 2024
The CDTI Innovation financed to spanish companies

The challenges are grouped in three areas, so-called transitional Routes (Transition Pathways):

• districts of Positive Energy (PED)
• city of 15 minutes (15mC)
• Economías Urbanas Circulares (CUE)

The project proposal must include at least three separate entities for at least three different countries participating in theJoint convening DUT 2024and who are eligible for funding by their respective agency national/regional Funding.

Consortiums may consist of members of organizations such as universities, businesses, industry organizations, local/regional governments, research organisations and ngos.

Is open to a wide range of scientific disciplines and promotes an interdisciplinary approach in the projects.

Aid from the CDTI Innovation

TheCDTI Innovationgrantedgrantthose spanish companies whose projects have been elected. The amount shall be given individually on the basis of actual eligible cost of each project, the characteristics of the beneficiary and the budgetary availability, respecting the limits of intensity of aid under The General rules of Exemption from Categories:60% for small businesses, 50 per cent for medium-sized enterprises and 40 per cent for large companies. In case of budgetary availability on the part of the CDTI, the aid intensityto be as high as 70 per cent for all.


• Fecha reporting limit pre-propuestas (tentative):14/11/2024, 14:00 h CET.

• Fecha reporting limit full proposals (tentative):24/04/2025, 14:00 h CET.

Cada empresa española participante en un consorcio deberá enviar a través de laelectronicofCDTI Innovationa COUPLE with preliminary application deadline, 14 november 2024. Such a request is an online form accompanied by a technical memory to describe, in spanish, r & D and the budget of the company involvement in the proposal.


It is recommended that each partner please contact your as soon as possible, as soon as you have a project idea. For more information on the calls and a personalized advice of its proposal, you can contact theDirection of Technological cooperation.

E-mail:partenariadoshe@cdti.esTelephone: (+ 34) 91 581 04 89.

Information and partner search

It is possible to join theBeijing platform for partner searchto explore opportunities for collaboration and book 1:1 meetings with potential partners.

CDTI Innovation

The CDTI innovation is the public funding of innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.

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