Manuel Pardo, director of innovation in europe Press: “ with the financial support from the CDTI Innovation we have developed projects that by means of Artificial intelligence processed audiovisual content and detect false news ”

In recent years, there are increasing wide application of Artificial Intelligence in the media. Aware of the potential of this technology, Europa Press has developed, with the financial support from the CDTI Innovation, a technological project becomes text any information content that comes to the editor, whether audio or video-recorded, classified by the thematic and is processed efficiently, which greatly facilitates further treatment and management by the media

Entrevista EuropaPress
The IA offers more and better solutions to combat this misinformation

In the 1950s, a group of journalists and intellectuals led by Torcuato Luca de Tena decided to reconvene the agencyEuropa Pressfor the sole purpose of reporting in a particularly difficult period for the informative censure of the time.

This family company, consisting of 500 workers, the vast majority of them journalists, has been carrying out numerous projects in the field of information and communications to maintain a competitive position in its sector, especially in the dissemination of news through a variety of formats: text, photo, video, audio, and data.

Manuel Pardo, director of innovation, ensures that: “ Our r & D as intregran 14 people who work creating multidisciplinary teams and cross-cutting very specific to each project in question. In each of them if we involve at least three journalists of the editor. This collaboration is very beneficial because it allows us to address the specific needs that, in a given time, they can have the drafters. Moreover, we are well aware of that great technological development in a very short time, many are acquiring technologies and their multiple applications such as the Artificial intelligence that, in our case, it is a great challenge and an excellent opportunity to develop new products and services within our journalistic natural market which is to information ”.

Smart News Analyzer (SNA) a tool of IA to the automated analysis of news and the extraction of relevant information

Treatment of IA through informative contents

With a long history, the latest innovative project developed by Europa Press has meant an enormous technological challenge for this company for its complexity and the implementation of new techniques. In its development the aid of CDTI Innovation and collaboration of the companyArtificial Intelligence Aygloo.

“ we are really happy – ensures Manuel Pardo – with what has been achieved. The prototype of the Smart News Analyzer (SNA) is able to make any informative text that we can access through different formats such as audio or video. It also allows, classification process by thematic and detect moments that are of particular interest to every paid. To that end, the tool uses five different techniques of Artificial Intelligence (NLP, Teoría de Grafos, STS, NLG and XAI) which are applied to the audio and videos that every day the wordings of media in the form of interviews, press conferences, brief statements, etc. ”

“ Implementing the IA, the prototype is capable of reducing response times offering the journalist almost in real time a transcript of the audio, courts of 'moments of interest' according to pre-defined interests by the user, as well as two types of abstracts: one extractive and other abstractivo, according to the terminology used in the models of language. All this in a process distributed massive icloud online ”, continued.

“ in this project we have had to develop a thematic, blankets, of the parties of a speech, and given that the transcripts of interviews, the information is not structured to implement, there was a tool for the separation of paragraphs and codify sentences in the text in a format that understands the model ('embeddings') in order to compare it with the corpus of news, and have enough context to do such thematic classification ”.

“ the objective was to create a ranking in the sentences of the text were competing among themselves to achieve a certain threshold of similarity with the facts that were in fact present at that time, so that none of them were missing or not taken into account, particularly in the context in most cases of large texts generated from interviews with the media where the wording as a whole could be somewhat dispersed ”.

“ in this regard, he joined the use of own database of Europa Press to highlight the fact that the facts were topical issues with the purpose of the algorithm artificial intelligence could link such content the described and identified within the text itself. In this way, to be promoted, statistically, positions in the ranking of each of the sentences identified. In addition, it was necessary to create user profiles with the particular interests of every journalist ”.

“ i would also like to stress that one area where we have put more emphasis is on the explicabilidad and have received strong support and leadership of the company On Artificial Intelligence Aygloo. Aware of the importance to shed light on the 'black box' posed by this type of models, especially in an environment as the media coverage, the project has included, in addition, as an additional objective to provide the tool of a module of explicabilidad give keys for journalists on potential bias in the decisions taken by the IA ”.

Creation of interface transcripts in SNA with fields for metadata and the burden of multimedia files

Artificial Intelligence Aygloo

For the development of this project,has obtained cofinancing of erdf fundshas been the collaboration of the engineering firm Aygloo Artificial Intelligence that had a great deal of experience in the areas of IA Generativa, IA Explicable and, in addition, it maintains its international projection through Mashfrog Group.

Ignacio Gutiérrez, CEO of this company ensures that: “ For us it was proud to participate in this interesting project in which we have developed sumarización modules and the form of explicabilidad. These are two aspects of very high technical complexity and to lead the development of the same has been essential to have experts with a great technological level ”.

“ in recent years we have gained a great deal of experience in the development of interactive interfaces and other applications that allow for multiple data formats and models, which significantly widens its applicability and versatility in different contexts ”.

“ artificial intelligence – states Ignacio Gutiérrez – has experienced an accelerated development in recent years, driven by advances in the processing capacity, the availability of large volumes of data and improvements in automatic learning algorithms and deep. In short, they expect IA systems capable of solving increasingly complex problems and adapt to contexts without previous training. In this regard, we remain very competitive in technologies of IA and, to that end, we will continue to dedicate the 40% of our resources to research and development activities. We Intend To consolidate our presence in the markets of Spain and italy and, at the same time, expanding our operations to other eu countries, to strengthen our strategic position in sectors such as financial, health, media, distribution and production ”.

Intelligent tool for the detection of false information

In 2022 Europa Press launched, also with the assistance of CDTI innovation, a tool for intelligent icloud detection of false information on websites and social networks: “ with this – explains Manuel Pardo – we wanted to develop a solution that, by means of artificial intelligence, develop an advanced auto processing on the text under consideration, transparent and explicable to determine their true or false, as appropriate ”.

“ taking into account, throughout history has always been a kind of an arms race between the capacity of society and the technology to generate myths, on the one hand, and to detect and correct these false news, on the other. Recently, the arrival of social networks has generated support is significantly to the misinformation and perhaps even society and technology is not being able to effectively counteract this misinformation enough. But i think it is a matter of time because the own technology, artificial intelligence in this case, offers more and better solutions to combat this misinformation ”.

“ In Europa Press we are placing special emphasis on harnessing the large number of open access information that there are scattered in numerous public and private institutions to create a space coherent and reliable evidence that will serve as a raw material to raise awareness and to look at possible myths. The role of the news agencies caring is precisely in that body of data and reliable and trustworthy news that may be the purveyors of many of these implementations of Artificial Intelligence because the algorithms can be very cool, but if they feed on partial information or false, the results will necessarily wrong ”.

“ on the other hand, as i mentioned earlier, through the financial support of the CDTI Innovation we have developed projects which, by means of Artificial intelligence processed audiovisual content and detect false news. Economic aid that we receive from the CDTI is always very relevant and this allows us to take costs and risks involved in any innovative process, otherwise, surely we could not take up. But perhaps equal to or more important than economic aid is security that gives us the whole process of requesting aid, and that they are adopted because that represents for us a kind of validation by independent third party prestige and that the project is highly innovative and that a priori sense ”.

CDTI Innovation

The CDTI Innovation is the agency for financing innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science, innovation and universities.

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