Opportunities for collaboration -Brazil's Bilateral Programme
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Bilateral (2023) -SENAI Institute of Innovation for Information and Communication Technologies (ISI-TICs): Projectsproduction, transportation and storage of Hydrogen Verde (G2H).
Bilateral (2023) -SENAI Innovation Institute For Green Chemistry: Projects in the field ofanalytical chemistry, formulation cosmetics and/or clinical trials
Bilateral (2023) -Grupo de Estudos em Biotecnologia e Bioprospecção Aplicados ao Metabolismo e Câncer - GEBBAMof theUniversidade Federal da Grande DouradosResearch new ways:biotechnological and/or pharmacists to transport the bioactivo identified
Bilateral (2023) -Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados: Research on production abioinsecticida from diana de Simaroubaceae molecule
Bilateral (2023) -Group of research in Molecular biology of microorganisms (GPBMM)of theUniversidade Federal da Grande Dourados:Genomic monitoring microorganisms multidrug-resistant and develop strategies to contain the spread of antimicrobial resistance by repositioning drugs, structural changes and the production of synthetic derivatives
Eureka - Globalstar FAPESP (2022) -University of São Paulo: design of vaccines and drugs
Biopsy - CONFAP (2022) -Universidade Federal do Amapá: Development of a digital library of audiobooks
Biopsy - CONFAP (2022) -Universidade Federal do Amapá: research on use oils and extracts species of the family Araceae and evaluate the biocide activity on mosquito repellent and dengue
Bilateral (2022) -LIGHTBASE Serviços e Consultoria em Public Software Ltda/Rapid APP Doc Base: Development of applications that use of technology database relational not with features based on Artificial Intelligence, MAchine Learning and Blockchain
Bilateral (2002)- Quantix Innovation Group/Agrônomo Digital: Development of a platform of services to farmers for diagnosis and recommendations of plant protection treatments and nutritional
Bilateral (2021)- MJA Architecture: Interior Design and Urbanism Odourless: draft water based on the use of electromagnetic waves to deshidratar safely human waste
Bilateral (2021)- GreenEnergy: implementation of technology and thermochemical termocatálítica in waste biomass
Bilateral (2021) -Mayer & Bunge Informatica Eireli (MBI): Development of tools to exploit information of great lakes region of data
Bilateral (2021) -Neokoros Biometric Technology: Plataforma apoyada por IA capaz de indexar datos multibiométricos
Bilateral (2019) -Aldata-CG: Sistema de irrigación automática con monitoreo remoto basado en IoT e Inteligencia artificial
Bilateral (2019) -Santa Clara Desenvolvimento of Software: Development of a mobile platform for therapy in autism and other comorbilidades cognitive abilities.
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