The CDTI Innovation disseminates the convening of the partnership 2024 Cofund “ Water4All ”

It has been published the convening of the partnership 2024 Cofund “ Water4All ” called “ Water for Circular Economy in the framework of the european network of European Partnership Water4All research

The date for the submission of proposals expires on 13 november 2024

Water4All is a european partnership cofinanced under the programme Horizon europe with the participation of more than 70 31 countries and agencies.

The main aim of this initiative is to allow water security in the long term, pushing transformations and systemic changes required by an appropriate approach of r + D + i in the water sector and promoting synergies between users and providers of solutions. Water4All proposes a portfolio of multinational approaches to cross-cutting and multifaceted, involving policy considerations, environmental, economic, technological and social affairs.

On the part of Spain, the following entities: State investigation agency (AEI); Spanish Foundation for science and technology (FECYT); Centre for technological development and innovation; fundación IMDEA WATER (IMDEA); association For efficient water use (ZINNAE) and the Spanish Technological Platform of water (PTEA).

Research topics

Los temas de investigación se realizarán en torno a estos cuatro temas: Enhancement of water circularity in industries; Urban water circularity; Resource recovery and valorization y Economic, environmental and social implications of water reuse and recovered products.

The project proposal must include at least three independent entities, at least three different countries, of whom two shall be eu member states or countries associated with Horizon europe, with a maximum limit of 7 members.

Aid from the CDTI Innovation

In thisannouncementtheCDTI Innovationgrantedsubsidy to those companies whose projects have been elected. The amount will be given individually and in terms of real eligible cost of the project; the characteristics of the beneficiary and the budgetary availability, respecting the limits of intensity of aid under The General rules of Exemption from Categories:60% for small businesses, 50 per cent for medium-sized enterprises and 40 per cent for large companies.


The call includes two phases:

In phase 1, in parallel with the international application, each spanish company participating in a consortium should send, through theelectronicthe CDTI innovation, a PAR with preliminary application deadline13 november 2024 (15.00 h, CEST).

Such a request is an online form that should be accompanied by a spanish technical memory detailing r & D activities that will be made by the company as well as the budget of their participation in the proposal.


It is recommended that each partner please contact your as soon as you have a project idea. For more information about the invitations and individual consultation of the proposal, companies can contact the direction Of Technological Cooperation, through:partenariadoshe@cdti.esor telephone (+ 34) 91 581 04 89.

CDTI Innovation

The CDTI innovation is the public funding of innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.

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