The CDTI Innovation resolves convening CDTI PTA 2023 with 71,42 billion in subsidies for aeronautical technologies

  • Have adopted a total of 28 projects with a total budget of eur 109,06 million of whom 71,42 will be provided by the CDTI in the form of subsidy
  • 35.7 Per cent (10) of projects correspond to the modality PTA large companies and 64.2 per cent (18) to PTA Smes

The increase of projects led by Smes with regard to the call 2022 exceeds 100 per cent in both number of projects and in volume of the grant

The CDTI has published the final resolution of the convening 2023 technology program Air (PTA) of the CDTI for the financing of strategic initiatives intensive r & D conducted by a grouping of companies with the aim of contributing to the development of technologies relevant to implementation in the area. In particular, the main objective is to significantly reduce the environmental impact of aviation technologies, increasing the efficiency of future aircraft and reducing polluting emissions of air transport, without overlooking other strategic technological challenges, as WE systems (sistemas unmanned aerial vehicles) or manufacture intelligent and advanced.

The convening PTA 2023, which operates in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience and mechanism for the recovery and resilience, go 71,42 million euros to the 28 projects approved, 10 of which correspond to the modality PTA large companies and 18-PTA Smes, with a total budget of 109,06 million.

Stresses in 2023 the growth of the projects led by smes, which is double the number of projects approved from the previous year (from 8 to 18) as the associated grant (of 14,96 million euros to 28,84 million), exceeding even planned budgetary reserve of eur 28 million.

The total of 28 projects approved, 10 of them to the modality PTA large companies and entities have 39 participants distributed in consortia of between 3 and 6, with a total budget of 67,51 million euros and a committed contribution CDTI 42,58 million euros. For its part, 18 projects correspond to the modality PTA Smes, with 59 entities involved in consortia of 2 and 4 companies, a total budget of 41,55 million euros and a committed contribution CDTI 28,84 million euros.

A total of fourteen autonomous communities have participated in the programme, Madrid NATIONAL which is placed at the top (37,33 M €input subsidy) followed by Andalucia (9,16 M €) and the Basque Country (7,49 M €).


Madrid 37,33
Andalusia 9,16
The Basque Country 7,49
Navarra 3.07
Catalonia 2.89
Valencian Community 2.52
Galicia 2.29
Castilla-La Stain 1.81
Murcia (Latin) 1.31
Aragon 1.06
Cantabria bhutan
Castile and León 0.67
La Rioja 0.57
Asturias 0.25
TOTAL 71,42


The distribution of projects by the four challenges identified in the invitation is:


Technologies aimed at reducing aircraft zero emissions: 11 52,16 34,04
We offer 7 25 14.48
New multipurpose aircraft and systems 3 12,40 7,57
Intelligent manufacturing advanced and: 7 23,43 15,33
TOTAL 28 109,06 71,42


In 93 per cent of approved projects (26-28), have participated centres and research bodies through subcontracting; altogether 46 generating entities different knowledge, with 94 shares in the different consortia. The amount of subcontracting to these agencies is situated in 17,49 million euros and is being circulated in accordance with the following table:


Technological Centres 46 10,38
Universities 31 4.10
Public research centres 13 2.65
Research partnerships 4 0.36
TOTAL 94 17,49


The 17,32 per cent of the total amount outsourced (3.03 M €) corresponds to a single project in the form PTA major enterprises, which was attended by up to thirteen investigative agencies.


Summary participation calls PTA 2021-2022 And 2023




The final resolution of Aeronautical Technology Programme, published on 21 december 2023, available on thewebsite of the CDTI.


CDTI Innovation

The CDTI Innovation is the agency for financing innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science, innovation and universities.

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