In december Innvierte allocates more than eur 10 million to eight new coinversiones in risk capital

These operations, undertaken in technology-based enterprises or innovative, are aimed at the development of different products and technological solutions in sectors such as health, the ict sector and the transport sector.

Coinversiones cerradas Innvierte DIC23 y balance anual
Since january 2023 the CDTI Innovation through Innvierte has joint investment rounds in 57 companies with a contribution of 82.2 million euros

The CDTI Innovation, sponsor and sole shareholder of society, has closed Innvierte 8 operations during the last december, amounting to €10.285.000, in particular:

  • ENLIGHTING TECHNOLOGIES, S.L.develops software KUMUX, through the use of algorithms of IA provides for a Focused Lighting. The investment is done with BEABLE INNVIERTE KETS FUND RCF and the input of CDTI Innovation is 720 euros.
  • EVERSENS, S.L., company dedicated to the design, technological development, manufacture and marketing of analysis solutions breathing for the detection of biomarkers exhalados. Investment is done with ORZA MANAGEMENT AND POSSESSION OF Assets, IEA and R + D + I F.C.R. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER and the input of CDTI Innovation is 250,000 euros.
  • FLOATECH, has developed a process for the manufacture of nanomaterials of high added value from precursor gases and termo catálisis. Currently produces Anodes nano for lithium batteries. Investment is done with GROW SEED FUND I, F.C.R.E. and BSV F.C.R.E., and the input of CDTI Innovation is of 540,000 euros.
  • HIGHLIGHT PHARMACEUTICALS, S.L.develops therapies in the area of inmuno-oncología, in particular for skin cancer. The follow-up investment is done with Columbus Life Science Fund II, RCF and the input of CDTI Innovation is 1.8 million euros.
  • INBRAIN NEUROELECTRONICS, S.L.develops bioelectrónicas therapies that use implants grafeno interfaces that decoding and modulan neural activity in high resolution, giving rise to adaptive therapies and customized solutions. follow-up Investment is done with Sabadell Asabys Health Innovation Investments, SCR, SA, Asabys Top Up Fund RCF and HIGH Life Sciences Spain I RCF and the input of CDTI Innovation is 1.35 million euros.
  • KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT FOR BLACK OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS, S.L. (KDROC)manufactured electronic components and integrated circuits for plastic Fibre-Optic (POF) of very high speed (multigigabit, from 5 to 50 GBps) for use in telecommunications systems (in automotive and industry). The follow-up investment is done with BULLNET CAPITAL III SCR Smes, S.A. and the input of CDTI Innovation is eur 180,000.
  • OREKA TRAINING, S.L.develops rollers for intelligent and interactive training indoor bike, which allow natural balancing of the bike to see you get a near-real, avoiding overloads and muscle injuries. The follow-up investment is done with EASO VENTURES SCR SA and the input of CDTI Innovation is of 45,000 euros.
  • UMILES NEXT, S.L. (CRISALION)mobility develops solutions -aéreas and landmines - advanced, efficient and sustainable. Investment is done with CUYAM S.L. and the input of CDTI Innovation is 5.4 million euros.

Proceedings of Innvierte joint investment in 2023

During 2023, in its joint investment initiative the CDTI innovation has mobilised eur 230 million, committed in rounds adopted in 2023 jointly by the CDTI innovation Innvierte society, their investors authorised and other investors. In particular, they adopted coinversiones $73.5 million euros in 62 companies from different sectors:

62 companies with 54 rounds adopted

Innvierte commitments

(Millions of euros)

22 companies Bio, health and agri-food 28.8
22 the information society 17.0
15 companies in the Industrial sector 25.8
three companies of energy and environment 1.8
Total 73.5


Currently, the closing of 192 200 rounds adopted since the beginning of the initiative to 2023 included and not cancelled subsequently, reaching a fulfilment of 96 per cent. In the Past year, the CDTI Innovation through Innvierte has closed operations, joint investment in 57 companies with a contribution of 82.2 million euros.

By 2023, has certified Innvierte 21 new private investors professionals. In addition, since the beginning of the initiative to 2023 included, have signed agreements with 115 joint investment private investors certified professionals.


Innvierte is an initiative aimed at promoting the entrepreneurial innovation through support to the risk capital investment in technology-based enterprises or innovative programme. This is done through the collective investment type closed Innvierte Sustainable Economy SICC S.M.E., S.A., self-managed and under the supervision of the national Values and that the CDTI Innovation is a shareholder Only.

To date, the CDTI Innovation, through Innvierte, has committed more than 390 M €in 20 investment vehicles that have invested in more than 240 companies, and through its joint investment line directly committed an amount of more than 338 M €in at least 135 companies.

Innvierte fits into the strategy for science, technology and innovation 2021-2027, adopted by decision of the council of ministers, in september. This 2020 Strategy contains goals, the reforms and measures to be taken throughout the area of r + D + i in order to boost their growth and impact, and is one of the pillars on which the design of the government's policy in r + D + i for the coming years.


CDTI Innovation

The CDTI Innovation is the agency for financing innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science, innovation and universities.

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