HORIZON 2020 | @CDTIoficial organizes the jornada informativa sobre Social Challenge 5 # H2020

HORIZONTE 2020 | @CDTIoficial organiza la jornada informativa sobre Reto Social 5 de #H2020

On 2 october,@CDTIoficialorganizes, together with theCIEMATthe briefing on the Social Challenge 5 H2020: Climate, environment, efficiency of Resources and raw materials.

The objective of this event is present and analyse developments and opportunities presented in the programme of work of 2019Social Challenge 5 “ action for the climate, environment, efficiency of resources and raw materials ”.

On the part of theCDTI,Juan Antonio Tébar, chairman of the right of eu programmes and Territorial Cooperation; Lydia González, representative of the committee for Social Challenge and 5Juan Carlos García Carrasco, National contact point (PNC) of the Social Challenge 5.

During the course of the day can be arranged meetings with the national point of contact@CDTIoficial. The entities interested in the revision of its proposal to send the form before septemberBethlehem Díaz.

This day was held at the CDTI in the street Cid, 4 - 28001 Madrid.

The registration fee is free of charge.


TheCentro para el Desarrollo tecnológico Industrial (CDTI)is the body of the General state administration that supports innovation based on knowledge, advice and offering public aid to innovation through subsidies or aid partially refundable. The CDTI so also the business projects of R & D and innovation of spanish companies and entities and manages the spanish participation in international R + D + I, asHorizonte2020andEureka, and in industries of science and space.

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