The Programme.Plurirregional 2014-2020 of Spain

Imagen: Manos juntando papeles dibujados, que juntos hacen una ciudad con logos de cofinanciacion europea

2014-2020 Period

TheEuropean Regional development fund (ERDF)part of theStructural Funds and investment In Europe (EIE Funds)which are main source of investment at eu level to assist member states to restore and enhance growth and ensure their development.

The aim of this fund is to promote the competitiveness and convergence of all regions and are an essential tool to address the key development challenges of spain and in the implementation of the europe 2020 strategy.

To achieve these goals, the intervention of the funds are concentrated in a limited number of priorities, boosting effectiveness of public interventions and achieve the critical mass necessary to bring about a real impact on the socio-economic situation in spain and their regions.

In the programming period 2014-2020 erdf focuses its investments in several key priority areas. This is known as' 'thematic focus:

- Innovation and research

- The digital agenda

- Support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMES)

- The low-carbon economy

The Ministry of finance, since the General directorate of european funds, is the body of the General state administration responsible for the study, evaluation and coordination of the management of the implementation in Spain of the european Regional development fund (ERDF).

The ERDF CDTI manages funds as intermediary in theOperational Programme 2014-2020 Plurirregional of Spain


The europe 2020 strategy defines the objectives of cohesion policy for the period 2014-2020. It is a growth strategy aimed at achieving a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy. These three priorities, which are mutually reinforcing, contribute to the european union and its Member states to produce high levels of employment, productivity and social cohesion.

The association agreementis the national document, strategic, prepared by each member state, which sets out the strategy and priorities for investment of the structural funds and investment In Europe (erdf, esf, cohesion fund, THE EAFRD and FEMP) for the period 2014-2020.

The Operational Programme Plurirregional 2014-2020 of Spainspecific, the strategy and the overall objectives of the General state administration (AGE) cofinanced with the ERDF fund in the areas of smart growth and sustainable development (and in urban areas also inclusive growth).

The association agreement of Spain 2014-2020

Operational Programme 2014-2020 Plurirregional of Spain



The regulations establish the obligation to carry out evaluations of effectiveness, efficiency and impact of the fund of the common european framework, with the aim of improving the quality and the design of programmes, and to determine the effects of the same in connection with the goals of the union's strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

The authority responsible for the preparation of the programme has a plan of evaluation. During the programming period, the management authorities should conduct assessments to estimate the effectiveness and impact of the programme. To facilitate management decisions to be reported to the follow-up committee and the european commission of the results of evaluations.

The system of indicators is a key element of the monitoring and evaluation system for the period 2014-2020. The system of indicators includes common indicators (as defined by the Commission and taken up in the regulations) as well as specific indicators. All these indicators, depending on their nature, can be categorized into: indicators of performance and outcome indicators.

Joint evaluation Plan ERDF 2014-2020

Specific evaluation Plan operational program 2014-2020 Plurirregional of Spain

Ex ante report Financial Instrument CDTI Creative Growth - executive summary


The eu regulation requires compliance with certain requirements in the field of information and communication relating to european funds for the period 2014-2020 come contained in:

The"communication strategy of the Operational Programme of spain 2014-2020 Plurirregional"defines the joint communication strategy in the area of erdf to Spain. The measures and obligations to each one of the groups identified: potential beneficiaries and beneficiaries of community cofinancing, diffusers and general public.

The CDTI as intermediary Plurirregional operational program of spain 2014-2020 is responsible for the enforcement of this communication strategy as well as the community rules on information and communication in the areas in which it operates.

The monitoring and evaluation of the measures that underpin the strategy, as well as to give publicity of these proceedings, highlighting good practices in the area of communication, presenting the best financed with european funds, is pivotal in this period.

Communication strategy of the Operational Programme of spain 2014-2020 Plurirregional

Evaluation guide of the communication strategy of spain P.O. Plurirregional 2014-2020

Assessment of the communication strategy of spain P.O. Plurirregional 2014-2020 (Mid-term review)

Brief manual compilation of practical issues for beneficiaries in the area of communication ERDF 2014-2020

Practical Guide COMMUNICATION ERDF CDTI projects

Videos Good Practices erdf - CDTI

Database of good practices in actions cofinanced ERDF

Graphic guide european emblem