ICCPreliminary consultationsmarket
The pre-commercial procurement tenders for which the CDTI acquires new r & D or prototypes of first products, technologically innovative and meet needs of any Public Entity, usually are preceded by aPreliminary consultation of the market (CPM).
As laid down in the law of 9/2017 on public Sector contracts (LCSP) in its article 115, which incorporates the regulation of the same, the recruitment agencies can makemarket researchand directconsultations of the economic playersthat were active in the same with the purpose of preparing, correctly, the tender and report to the above-mentioned economic operators on their plans and requirements to run for requiring the procedure.
The following are the JPC published by CDTI, together with the source of funds that finance:
- Beijing platform for biorreactores single use for the production of biofármacos autólogas cell
- H2 Hospitals
- Transfer of prisoners
- Brain Pet
- Neuromodulación
- Earth observation satellite
- From small satellite launcher
- Test management/Clinical Studies(INNOVATRIAL)
ERDF 2021-2027
- Linear accelerator ion compact(HADRONTERAPIA)
- Validators systems and materials in fusion energy(GIFTS)
- Automaton surgery(AUTOPILOTO)
- Forensic
- An Infrared Sensor
ERDF 2014-2020
- Maritime security
- Transfer of prisoners
- Rural security
- Preservation of organs
- U-Space simulation environment
- Monitoring of the quality of surface water
- Computer systems to support decision-making on water management
- Desalination of seawater
- Intelligent software distributed
- Bridge auscultatory viaducts and diversion