Summary sheet of the assistance


Science and innovation missions

Overall Objective

Supportpre-competitive research projects in cooperation, led by enterprises, to obtain the following:

  • A research relevant to propose solutions to cross-cutting challenges and strategic objectives of the spanish society.
  • Improving the knowledge and technology in the supporting spanish companies to compete.
  • Encourage public-private cooperation.

Thenine missions identifiedthis year are:

  • Boosting agriculture española of the twenty-first century: smart, sustainable, efficient use of water resources and agricultural inputs and adapted to climate change.
  • To promote safe, efficient and clean for the twenty-first century.
  • Promote the spanish industry in the industrial revolution of the twenty-first century.
  • Impetus to the circular economy through new technologies of recycling and recovery of waste polymeric compounds in spain.
  • Momentum to information security, privacy and security of the economy and the spanish society of the twenty-first century.
  • Promote a sustainable intermodal transport and intelligent.
  • Promote the development of tourism by exploiting the potential of technology.
  • Advance the progress and technological expertise of the spanish biopharmaceutical industry to promote actions of r & D in the area of advanced therapies, vaccinations and targeted therapies.
  • The momentum of high performance computing.

Through these missions, the programme seeks to addressfive challenges defined:

  • Fight against climate change.
  • Promotion of energy transition.
  • Sustainability and reinforcement of actions in support of the circular economy.
  • Digitization of industrial and economic activities.
  • Development of additional strategic capabilities (of necessity as evidenced in the health crisis COVID-19) and economic recovery.

Clusters of two categories:

  • "Missions Big Business":Grouping composed of between three and eight companies, at least two of them autonomous. The grouping has to be led by a large company and having an sme.
  • SMES "" missions:Grouping composed of between 3 and 6 companies, at least two of them autonomous. They will all be Smes, led by a Medium-Sized Enterprises.

The representative of the grouping will receive the payment of the aid granted and are responsible for the members of the cluster.

The members of the clustering shall enter into an agreement to regulate their internal functioning.

May be beneficiaries companies, not being in crisis-31 december 2019, became companies in crisis in the period from 1 january 2020 to 30 june 2021.

Clusters can be conducted in cooperation and projects which meet the requirements of size and composition depending on the draft before "Missions or Large Companies" Missions "" SMES.

The resulting grouping will not have legal personality, hence one of the participants will act as coordinator or representative of the same before the CDTI. The representative will receive the payment of the aid granted and are responsible for the members of the cluster.

The relations of grouping documentary evidence should be formalized through a partnership agreement setting out the rights and obligations of the participants.

For more information, see the summons.

Call type

Seek bound presentation.

Submission deadline

The deadline for submission of requests and accompanying documentation will begin the day after the publication of the extract of the convening in the BOE and will end on 6 september 2021, 12:00 peninsular p.m. local time.

Publication in the BOE

Call Status


Type of assistance


Call budget

141.250.000 euros.

· This budget, €31.250.000 be allocated for the financing of projects relating to the mission of health "assist progress and technical capabilities of the spanish biopharmaceutical industry to promote actions of r & D in the area of advanced therapies, vaccinations and targeted therapies". In this context, a minimum of €4,500,000 will go to projects carried out by smes.

· The remaining €110.000.000 financed the remaining eight missions of the summons. A minimum of eur 15 million will go to the projects undertaken by smes.

Characteristics of the assitance

Subvention to the extent of maximum intensity: 65 per cent large company, 75 per cent Medium-Sized Enterprises and 80 per cent.

The amount of aid individualized is determined by the eligible cost real project, the characteristics of the beneficiary and the availability of budgetary resources.

For each project and beneficiary, the maximum intensity of aid be measured by the weight of each type of activity (industrial research or experimental development) and the maximum intensity in each case.

The amount of aid may not exceed the thresholds set out in article 4 of the rules of procedure (EU) no. 651/2014, of 17 june 2014.

Characteristics of the project

Multi-year projects developed in any spanish CC.AA..

"Missions Big Business":

  • Eligible budget 5,000,000 euros minimum and maximum of 10,000,000.
  • Minimal budget eligible per company 175,000 euros.
  • The Last year, must represent at least 20 per cent of eligible budget.
  • Duration of between 3 and 4 years, starting in 2021.
  • Industrial research at least 60 per cent of eligible budget.
  • Subcontracting generating centres with knowledge of at least 20 per cent of eligible budget.

SMES "" missions:

  • Minimum eligible budget 1.5 million euros and a maximum of 3m.
  • Minimal budget eligible per company 175,000 euros.
  • The Last year, must represent at least 20 per cent of eligible budget.
  • Duration of between 2 and 3 years, beginning in 2021.
  • Minimum industrial research of 35% of eligible budget.
  • Subcontracting generating centres with knowledge of at least 15% of eligible budget.

· Any participant may be responsible for more than 60 per cent of eligible budget of the project. The commitments undertaken by implementing each member should be reflected in the request and in the resolution of the concession contract.

· The participants will respond to potential obligations of compensation for activities that have been undertaken to make. In case of default, all members of the grouping and severally liable to the edge of the assistance it had been granted by its participation in the project.

Call funding

This call is included among the actions envisaged in the national Plan for recovery, transformation and Resilience, which is expected to receive the financing of the funds "Next Generation EU", including the mechanism for the recovery and resilience.

They will not be subject to help those proceedings, directly or indirectly cause significant harm the environment ("DNSH" principle for its initials in english), in accordance with article 17 of the rules of procedure (EU) 2020/852 of the european parliament and the council of 18 june 3,030 (Regulation of taxonomy), or that they are aimed at increasing the efficiency of fossil fuels.

Allows for generating motivated reports


Specific objectives
  • For each of the nine Missions "Science and innovation" proposals there are specific areas for improvement that acotan the global challenge.
  • The projects must be raised objectives directed at the resolution of one or more of these areas for improvement, caning to raise additional objectives, provided that they were consistent with the mission selected.
  • The company should establish three quantitative indicators that reflect the overall results of the objectives of the project. The implementation of these three indicators modulará the amount of aid finally accrued.
Gastos elegibles
  • Are the following direct costs: staff costs, costs of equipment and material costs inventariable, contract research, expertise and patents learned at market prices, overheads and additional operating costs resulting directly from the project and spending of the report of the auditor.
  • The overall cost of outsourced activity for a beneficiary may not exceed 50 per cent of eligible budget of the beneficiary.
Evaluation criteria

The evaluation criteria, as described in the convening, are:

1. Assessment of the technology and innovation of the project0-40
2. Capacity of the consortium in relation to the project0-35
3. Assessment of environmental and socio-economic impact0-25

For more information, see the summons.

Incentive effect

You are deemed to have an incentive effect aid if, before the beginning of the activity, the beneficiary has submitted the applications to the convening of Missions Science and innovation.

Accumulation and incompatibilities of additional aid perception

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Processing of calls

  • Unique features of the Program
    • Categories: There are two categories that projects can be included in: "Large Companies" Missions or "SMEs" Missions. Although Misiones Ciencia e Innovación is defined as a program for large projects, the second of the categories (Missiones "PYMES") is included to give an option for smaller projects of consortia of PYMES, of interest to the program, to be supported. .
    • Objectives: Each project must fit into one of the nine missions of the Program and must set objectives aimed at resolving one or more of the specific areas for improvement proposed by the CDTI in each mission. In addition, companies can propose additional complementary objectives in their project, as long as they are consistent with the selected mission.
    • Indicators: The company must establish three measurable indicators that reflect in one way or another the objectives of its project and must quantify these indicators. The degree of compliance with these three indicators will modulate the amount of aid finally received. In the evaluation, the suitability and coherence of the quantitative indicators formulated with the objectives of the project as well as the ambition and relevance of the proposed values ​​will be assessed.