TheCDTIandDOIT(Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs) of taiwan signed an agreement which, among the various activities of promotion of partnerships, provides for the establishment of a joint programme for technology cooperation with the aim of promoting and financing projects joint technological development carried out between entities of taiwan and spain.
To this end, since 2023 launches the first joint call for cooperation with taiwanese companies under the programme Taiwan Spain Innovation Program, or TSIP acronyms, managed by the CDTI and MUST, with the support of ITRI.
The programme provides mechanisms for the assessment and co-finance business initiatives for technology cooperation as a common goal that companies spanish taiwanese, and to develop research and development projects that address the needs or specific challenges of the market and represent a technological contribution of relevant industrial and commercial potential through the development of a new process or tradable product. It provides the international seal projects evaluated positively, which will enable them to be funded through the national instruments available for CDTI and MUST, in accordance with their respective rules and procedures.
How to participate in the agenda?
When the draft is defined among all participants following the directions for the convening, must be filed in both the CDTI in spain as well as in the DOIT in taiwan,TSIP formduly signed, together with theconsortium agreement.
The spanish participants will have to record in the application of CDTI Bilateral project through the applicationrequest for on-line projects. This request, will be in two stages. In phase I, is filled in the web form and should combine theTSIP formsigned, together with theconsortium agreement. In phase II will include a supplementary técnico-financiera memory for spanish tasks, including a project plan (the templates are available on the site).
The taiwanese participants will have to record their application according to indications of MUST.
Each country through its agencies managers, in spain, the CDTI, and in Taiwan the DOIT, are responsible for the assessment and subsequent certification of approved projects with a seal of quality "", which provides companies with participants:
- Added value associated with international cooperation andofficial recognitionof the technological level of participants
- Companies obtainingfinancial assistancein each country in accordance with its own rules and without exchange of funds. In particular, in Spain the CDTI available to theResearch and development projects, a help help partially refundable, with a financial coverage of up to 75 per cent of total approved budget, which may, exceptionally, to reach 85 per cent, witha a refundable and non-refundable.
Partner search:
If you have an idea but still does not have a partner in Taiwan, you can fill out the followingtemplateand send Since the CDTI will facilitate the dissemination of this partner in Taiwan.
The department of Foreign Technology Action
The centre for technological development and innovation, Soes. (CDTI)
(C/Cid 4, 28001 Madrid,
Telephone: (34) 91 581 56 07