Internal channel Information

This channel which guarantees the confidentiality allows you to request an investigation of situations and irregular and action to improve the integrity of the public sector.

politica antifraude


Is the preferred for persons with an employment relationship or a professional (contractors, employees, suppliers, subcontractors, etc.), as provided for in article 3 of law 2/2023, could report directly to those responsible for grave breaches CDTI or very serious developments relevant to the same activity.

Allows the presentation and further handling of anonymous communications, as may be decided by the person informant. otherwise, in making the communication, the informant may indicate an email to receive the notifications.

The CDTI guarantees the confidentiality and protection of the data of the informant, facts as submitted, as well as the prohibition of reprisals on the informant, as provided for in law 2/2023.


The internal channel of information, within the scope of competences and performance of the CDTI, permits you to communicate information on the violations referred to in article 2 of law 2/2023, this is, actions or omissions that constitute violations of the european union, or that are constitutive of administrative or criminal offence of serious or very serious, including those involving economic losses to public finances and to Social security.

The internal information channel is not a channel for the formulation of consultations, submission of claims, the request of access to documents, provision of documents, suggestions, claims or complaints, etc.


The communication, both anonymous and not anonymous, through the appropriate form.

At the request of the source, be allowed to denounce in person holding a meeting with staff of the CDTI. After the meeting will be documented with the approval of the informant.

The report, it would be useful to provide any documentation or evidence which facilitates their verification. It will not be given to the information received when the paucity of information provided, the description and overly generic inconcreta of evidence or the lack of evidence provided did not enable an reasonable verification of the information received and determination of minimum treatment that should be given to the facts made available.

The above does not preclude the existence of external channels of information to other competent authorities, such as the independent authority Information of the informant (AAI) or the swiss coordination unit, Uclaf (SNCA): for information on any suspicion of fraud or irregularity in connection with projects cofinanced by the european funds.


Elija cómo le gustaría informar
Identifique la entidad/es o persona/s sobre las que usted desea describir el hecho a notificar.
Por favor, describa los hechos de forma objetiva. Intente ser preciso en su declaración y, a ser posible, incluya información comprobable, como la siguiente: referencia del proyecto, importes, fechas y si ya ha comunicado usted el hecho a otras autoridades. Si desea adjuntar documentación que de soporte a su comunicación puede remitir un correo electrónico a y se le dará un tratamiento confidencial, o bien por CORREO POSTAL a C/ Cid, 4 - 28001 MADRID a la atención de la Unidad de Control (DAyC).

Salvo cuando la persona que comunique la información solicite expresamente lo contrario, el CDTI guardará total confidencialidad respecto de su identidad, de forma que la misma no será revelada a persona alguna ajena al proceso de actuaciones de verificación. A tal fin, en todas las comunicaciones, actuaciones de verificación o solicitudes de documentación que se lleven a cabo por el CDTI, se omitirán los datos relativos a la identidad de la persona que hubiera remitido la información, así como cualesquiera otros que pudieran conducir total o parcialmente a su identificación.
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