The CDTI Innovation participates in a jornada informativa sobre la convocatòria NEOTEC 2024

On the occasion of the next call 2024 programme, the next NEOTEC 12 april the CDTI information Innovation webinarioAssistance to the CDTI Neotec 2024on the characteristics of this event with a total budget of eur 20 million in grants

Individual projects beneficiaries include small technology-based enterprises with fewer than three years of life

The AgendaNEOTECaims to support for the establishment and consolidation of technology-based enterprises. A technology-based company (EBT) is a company whose activity focuses on the exploitation of products or services that require the use of technologies and knowledge developed since the research activity. The EBTs base their business strategy or activity in the intensive domain of scientific and technical knowledge.

The most relevant aspects in the proposals supported in this line has to be a business strategy based on the development of technology and competitive factor for differentiation in the company, based on the creation of lines of I + D + i own.

Are not adequate companies whose business model is based primarily on services to third parties own technology development.

Convening 2024

The convening Neotec 2024, in line with the action initiated by 2022, retains the possibility of providing access to specialized training provided by the “ Enterprise Innovation Institute, university of Georgia (Atlanta, usa), to strengthen the training of businesses and their chances of success in the market, provide the knowledge of spanish companies technology-based entrepreneurial ecosystem of the united states and to provide expertise in areas such as innovation for sustainability - both environmental and negocio-, new strategies for business or internationalization processes, among others.


Aid will be able to finance up70% of the business plan submitted with a duration of projects between 1 january 2025 and 31 december 2026, with a minimum budget of €175,000 and a limit of 250,000 per beneficiary.

In thisbriefingfor startups, entrepreneurs and companies to develop innovative business projects and technological developments in the spanish territory, Carlos Franco, department of technical and Institutional Promotion of Territorial CooperationCDTI Innovationexplain the essential aspects of this call endowed with budget€20 million in the form of grants of which 5 million are exclusively for armoured line Neotec Women.

It will also include Victor Campillo, CEO and company co-founder AI NOSTRUM, beneficiary NEOTEC for the convening 2023.

In thislinkyou can register for this event.


The CDTI innovation is the public funding of innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science, innovation and universities.

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