DONES Business Info Day


DONES Business Info Day 


Presentation on the IFMIF-DONES project, the future Fusion Neutron Source project in Japan, the potential business opportunities that these initiatives provide for Japanese companies, and the schemes offered by the Spanish public institution and industry to expand the channels of bilateral cooperation between Japan and Spain in these projects and beyond.
Fusion energy represents a revolutionary breakthrough in the quest for sustainable and abundant energy sources. Its potential to meet the world's growing energy demands, while mitigating climate change is unprecedented. The collaborative efforts between Japan and Europe in advancing fusion research not only hold the promise of realizing this remarkable energy source but also serve as a model of international cooperation for a cleaner and brighter energy future.
The 'Broader Approach for Fusion' (BA) agreement between Japan and Europe is now more than 17 years old and has witnessed the joint development of significant projects, such as the JT60SA tokamak in Naka, the LIPAc prototype accelerator and the IFERC research center, in Rokkasho, and the ELTL prototype lithium loop in Oarai the latter two under the IFMIF/EVEDA project.
However, the most significant outcome of these years of collaboration has been the establishment of close relations between the fusion research centers of the involved countries. These relationships have extended to their respective industries, working hand in hand during the integration and start-up phases of these projects. One of the most notable consequences of BA activities is the commencement of the construction of a fusion neutron source that will provide critical data on the materials necessary for future fusion reactors.
Japan is already engaged in designing the Advanced Fusion Neutron Source (A-FNS), while in Europe, the construction of IFMIF-DONES has already begun in Granada, Spain. With a common objective, Japan is expected to play a pivotal role in the European project, and within this context, the participation of Japanese companies is imperative.
As crucial as it is to further fortify the bonds between Japanese and Spanish companies, both for IFMIF-DONES and for the future A-FNS.

The objective of this event is to introduce the IFMIF-DONES Project, along with the plans for a future fusion neutron source in Japan, the potential business opportunities these initiatives will generate for Japanese companies, and the avenues provided by Spanish institutions and industry to expand bilateral collaboration channels for these projects and beyond.