Proceedings in the framework of the financial instrument"ICO" Innovation Technological Background

Imagen principal fondo europeos

Completion and submission of requests

Deadline for submission open until 14 march 2017, at 12 o'clock, time peninsular.

The completion and submission of applications will be handled through the electronic site CDTI (https :// The request completes with electronic resources available in the above-mentioned Internet home page. In Addition, a technical report of the project as well as administrative and financial documentation.

General characteristics

Project type

Strategic projects of r & D are major research and enterprise development status applied to the creation or significant improvement in a production process, product or service. Must demonstrate, in addition, a technological aspect differential on existing technologies in the market.

These projects must have a strategic nature for the company and result in the realization of r & D with effect an incentive to stimulate development and the incorporation of new technological knowledge products, processes or services.

Despite its size, it should be set to the organization's capabilities to cover the corresponding level of activity.

These projects may also include industrial research and experimental development (1).

It is individual projects developed by a single debtor, although one can outsource certain activities or tasks of the project to other companies or research bodies.


Companies that develop an r & D in any of the following regions: Andalucía, Aragón, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Galicia, Murcia, Ceuta and Melilla.

Priority will be given to projects submitted by smes to have a good empresa-proyecto adequacy depending on the volume of global activity of the company and the activity of r & D to develop.

May not be entitled to aid those companies that are subject to a recovery order pending after a prior decision of the european commission has declared a help illegal and incompatible with the common market.

They may not be entitled to companies in crisis (2). In particular, may not be entitled to the companies that have asked for the statement of voluntary contest creditors or have been declared at the same time.

They may not acquire the status of beneficiaries companies that are not aware in the tax compliance, or to Social security imposed by the provisions in force. The application for support will lead to the authorization of the applicant to CDTI get directly the accreditation of tax obligations and to Social security through electronic certificates. However, the applicant may expressly refuse consent, which must then give this certificate.

With regard to activity sectors, are not eligible companies engaged in the manufacture of weapons and ammunition (CNAE 25, 40).

Duration of projects

The projects will have a duration of 36 to 72 months. The projects will have a maximum of 6 technical milestones, which should be 12 months.

Minimum budget project financed

  • Smes: from €1 million.
  • Large: since 3m euros.

Eligible expenses

  • Staff costs (researchers, technical and other personnel, to the extent that they are dedicated to research project). Only those funded project activities that are developed in the geographical scope of the autonomous community that appears as "" Development community. In this regard, the ‘ Staff costs' will fall to persons who perform their work in this community, so that workers must be discharged at a workplace of the autonomous community concerned.
  • Costs of equipment and material, as during the period and which use for the research project, including depreciation in his case.
  • Costs of contractual research, knowledge and patent acquired or obtained by license from external sources at market prices, and the costs of consultancy services equivalent and designed exclusively to the project.
  • Additional overhead directly derived from the research project.
  • Other operating costs, including material costs, supplies and similar products, deriving directly from the project.

Aid modality

The projects are funded through Partially Refundable aid covering up to 85 per cent of total budget approved by the governing council of the CDTI, depending on availability of funds.

In any case, aid awards may never exceed the assistance requested by the company for the project.

The assistance consists of a portion of a refundable and non-refundable tranche (RNR):

  • The interest rate applicable to therefundable trancheit is 1-year Euribor (3) set the date of adoption of aid by the governing council of the CDTI.
  • Thenon-refundable trancheof aid, subject to availability of funds, rising to7.5% for SMESand5 per cent for large companiesalways, calculated on a financial coverage of 75 per cent of total budget approved by the governing council. The beneficiary will be excused from refund the projection for the non-refundable if hath fulfilled all obligations in relation to the development of this project, as envisaged in the loan agreement to execute.

Maximum intensity of aid

The funding granted to each project must be respected at all the maximum intensity of aid laid down in eu legislation on state aid. In aid partly refundable the amount of aid is the equivalent of calculated gross grant agreement with the commission communication on the revision of the method of fixing of the types of reference and update (2008/C 14/02).

In any case, the maximum amount of the loan granted may not exceed a gross grant equivalent of eur 15 million (by business and project).

Aid disbursement and Advances

The stretch refundable will be paid in advance at the time of the formalization of the contract of loan. The CDTI non-reimbursable basis will be paid, if appropriate, to the completion of the project, provided that the company has satisfactorily discharged its obligations.

Payments are subject to no evidence that the recipient is informed in the tax compliance, or to Social security, as well as the flow of their obligations to pay reimbursement of any other assistance earlier by the CDTI or any other loans or advances granted earlier from the general budget of the State; it must demonstrate that it is not subject to a pending recovery after a prior decision of the european commission has declared a help illegal and incompatible with the common market.

The company must show the implementation of activities under each of the project milestones, and may also have an audit of expenditure. CDTI will certify pursuant the realization of each of the technical milestones, without economic settlement. It will conduct a mid-term review of the project to check that have been made, at least 50 per cent of expenditures initially planned for that period of time. Otherwise, may require the return of total aid ready. Similarly, the final receipt of the project, and once the technical and economic justification of the project, the CDTI will issue a certification of the total cost incurred, with the liquidation, together with the summary of final acceptance of the project. The CDTI shall satisfy itself that has been implementing the project in at least the figure, demanding if not the return of total aid ready.

It may require the creation of security in connection with the return of aid. The guarantees admitted they may include afianzamientos by individuals or legal guarantees granted by financial institutions, societies of mutual security or public entities whose organization and functioning which can provide guarantees, and have solvency in the opinion of the Centre.

Return of aid

The stretch refundable aid will be returned within ten years. The first main reimbursement will be carried out two years after the formalization of aid.

Regular interests of the loan runs every six months from the time of the provision of aid.

Incentive effect

The aid must be an incentive in the activity subject to the aid, namely aid must change the behaviour of the undertaking of such a way that it undertake activities that would do, or that, without foreign aid, would be in a limited or different.

The aid incentive effect if, before you start working in the project, the beneficiary has submitted a written request support from CDTI.

The request for assistance shall contain at least the following information: a) name and size of the company; (b) description of the project, including the dates of commencement and completion; (c) project location; (d) list of project costs; (e) type of assistance (loan), and the amount of the necessary public funding for the project.

By "start of the project 'means, either the start of r & D activities, or the first agreement between the beneficiary and contractors to carry out the project, if this date preceded; the travaux préparatoires as obtaining permits and feasibility studies are not considered to be the start of work.


The CDTI will assess the financial and technological feasibility of the project and the company (analysis of solvency) and may, where appropriate, establish financial conditions, in terms of the governing council of CDTI.

The general criteria for assessing the r & D projects are:

  • Valuation company: Technical capacity, industrial and commercial in relation to the project. A maximum of 30 points.
  • Technical assessment: Technological risks, state of art and innovation, adequacy of the budget to the objectives with a maximum of 40 points.
  • Assessment: the need, market potential market, exports under commercial risk, with a maximum of 20 points.
  • Other aspects: Job creation, induced investment project, impact on enterprise with a maximum of 10 points.

The governing council of the CDTI may take into account in addition to the above-mentioned criteria, that the project is developed by smes and that the project is a high impact on internationalization.

Verification former – to the eligibility of expenditure to finance from the information of the call to be completed with a visit in-situ to the facilities of the consignee, to ascertain his ability to pursue the strategy put forward.

Maximum budget available

The CDTI features 240 million euros for the financing of strategic projects of r & D.

Accumulation and incompatibility with other assistance

Aid is compatible with any other state aid, either directly or indirectly, for ensuring the financing of the project, provided that their source of funding is not appropriate for the european union's budget (structural funds, european investment or other of community nature).

Similarly, aid is incompatible with any private help whose sources of financing or provision of security or reafianzamiento are funded by any funds from the budget of the european Union (structural funds, european investment or other of community nature).

All these aids, aimed at the same project, have been communicated to the centre during the evaluation process, respecting in any case the ceilings of aid intensity.

Cofinancing Erdf Funds

The grant will be co-financed projects with FEDER (Operational Programme ERDF r + D + i by and for the benefit of business – 2007-2013 Technology Fund), within the framework of the financial instrument “ ICO Technological Innovation Fund ”.

The non-refundable will not be funded, in any case, through FEDER founds.

Legal regime

This assistance will be adjusted to the requirements of the regulations (EU) no. 651/2014, the commission, 16 june 2014, which declared certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in implementation of articles 107 and 108 of the treaty (general regulations for exemption by category. DOUE L 187 of 27.06.2014).

Furthermore, aid cofinanced with european funds are governed, as well as by the previous regulation, for the specific practice of such funds.


(1) According to the definitions in article 1, paragraphs 85 and 86 of the rules of procedure (EU) no. 651/2014 of the commission, of 17 june 2014, which declared certain categories of subsidies compatible with the internal market in implementation of articles 107 and 108 of the treaty (“ the general regulations on block exemption ”).

(2) As indicated in paragraph 18 of article 2 of regulation (EU) no. 651/2014.

(3) If the Euribor at negative values the interest rate applicable shall be 0%.