Déborah López, director-General of the Spanish Company seaweed: “ in the CDTI Innovation we have found a strategic partner ”

Déborah López forms part of the cast of women who have come to running a business after international experience and a solid qualifications. Innovation has been a constant throughout her career and has contributed, along with the rest of the equipment, putting the Spanish Company seaweed (CEAMSA) as a forerunner in the production, processing and marketing of a wide range of texturizantes with a wide range of applications to the global level

CEAMSA - Déborah López
CEAMSA develops a wide range of texturizantes that are derived from natural raw materials

With a post-graduate degree in International Business and a dual master's degree in business administration and business address by the university of wales, its experience in the directorate-general and in the direction of some multinational financial sectors and food in europe and south america, has been invaluable in this company founded in 1966 by Ignacio Alzueta, a visionary and entrepreneurial, pleased with the idea of how algae could bring important gains for numerous industries.

Born in Irura (Guipúzcoa) in the year 1933, he studied chemistry at the university of Oviedo and went to Norway to pursue a master on seaweed and first-hand the-curve research in Europe about the hydrocolloids. After years of research, decided to install in Porriño the embryo of what today is a global benchmark in this sector. Today, with 400 employees and employees, their main products such as carragenina, pectin, fibre, alginate garrofín refined and goma, are demanded on five continents by their properties stabilisers, gelificantes, thickeners and texturizantes.

Chondrus Crispus Algae In Order

Chondrus Crispus Algae In Order

“ as a pioneer company – it is stated, Déborah López – our wide range of texturizantes are derived from natural raw materials such as seaweed, shell of citrus fruits and seeds of carob tree. We always offer comprehensive solutions to each market, customer and final product ".

International view

“ we must not forget that, since its origin,CEAMSAborn already linked to the international market. According to their growth plans, in 2010 provides for a society in the philippines. In 2022 we create a subsidiary in China and one year after another in the united states. Today we export 90% of our production and our portfolio of over 500 immediate clientele, mainly from multinationals of the food and beverage industry, distributed in 90 countries ”.

“ on the other hand, we have designed an ambitious strategic plan is articulated around four main areas: business development, improving the productivity and efficiency, excellence and talent. The objectives include the development of new, innovative products, the improvement of industrial performance through the automation of processes and digitization plan that will enable us to anticipate solutions adapted to the challenges of the current markets. ”

Citrus shell

Citrus shell

CDTI innovation: a strategic ally

Throughout its history, has developed several CEAMSA technological projects with the advice and financingCDTI Innovation: “ in the CDTI have found a partner in the future, a partner able to speak our language and shares our objectives in a complementary visions. In this way, has become a partner in our path to growth, with a technical team manager and is involved and committed to understand the particular case and also market opportunities and our company. Mutual understanding and our administrative processes are clearly a great added value forCEAMSAand will help to maintain our focus on innovation to generate value in an efficient manner. I would like to stress that thanks to their instruments of support, we have also been able to generate strategic relations with groups of research, technological centres and other agents of the knowledge that makes the strengthening of the projects and, ultimately, our competitiveness through innovation ”.

In 2002 the company started with the help ofCDTI Innovationthe project Fibracitri to investigate and develop improvements in the properties and flavour of fibre, expand its applications and different products. The final result is the development of a fiber through new processes which will serve to expand its range of applications generating formulations of label. In short, this project we propose a disruptive technological improvement since, at present, there is no reference to the characteristics and requirements set forth in the aims of this project, thereby extending the use of this ingredient more industries and segments and at a cost more competitive ”.

“ throughout this innovative process i would like to highlight the great help of course, which have received funding from the Operational Programme Plurirregional of Spain (POPE) that is a great opportunity to support the “ industry of science ” and to revitalize the complementary partnerships with the ecosystem of innovation in order to generate innovative products and transporting them efficiently to the market. Through the support we have been able to reduce financial risk inherent in the disruptive innovation and generate new products that are taking a wide international acceptance and particularly in countries of the european union ”.

Located in Porriño

Natural ingredients

In recent years, the company has made an important stake in the development of new natural ingredients, as the fiber, and that are increasingly demanded. Its new formulations offer technical solutions to emerging trends in seeking markets, increasingly, vegan products or low in fat, among others.

“ the latest reports – said Déborah López – today, more than two thirds of consumers worldwide are influenced by a “ clean ” labelling in their purchasing decisions. in this line Is precisely where our products and, in particular, the fibers, position themselves for their added value because, in addition to being natural and not to carry out a number And in the labelling, to conserve the proprietary technologies needed to be able to make adequate quality products and a competitive costs ”.

“ the demand is global and the regions that are leading this sort are north america and europe. The natural, healthy and sustainable development has become one of the main drivers of growth of the food industry and, by ejemplificarlo figure, during the past year, 1 in 3 new releases to the global market had some form of demand for clean label or clean ” label.


As Deputy Director-General, Déborah López's view, the greatest challenges facing every day it is worth noting the decision-making in a volatile environment, the maintenance of international competitiveness, anticipation to technological changes and market trends or the performance of legal regulations as well as the lack of harmonization at the international level.

“ there are various factors that may impede women's access to managerial positions such as lack of flexible working hours, to equal access to opportunities or the lack of a culture of inclusive, among others.CEAMSAprecisely as part of our culture, a pioneering inclusive in the implementation of the harassment in Galicia and also our equality Plan includes a series of measures to guarantee equality of opportunity and the absence of discrimination. Apart from questions of Ethical, moral or from a practical point of view, the glass ceilings are a great loss of talent in organizations with a consequent economic impact for business ”.

“ Since CEAMSA we firmly believe in the diversity of the teams that include both the diversity of gender and generational cultural, inter alia, and this diversity, it also guarantees better results. Our governing council currently 63 per cent are women, and in the management team 55%. We also have more than 20 different nationalities and 5 generations living thereby encouraging an inclusive work environment and nurturing environment ”.

CDTI Innovation

The CDTI innovation is the public funding of innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science, innovation and universities.

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