The principle not to cause significant harm to the environment(DNSH)ERDF 2021-2027

TheEuropean Green covenantorGreen Dealis the great commitment of the european Union (EU) with the health of the planet, the fight against climate change and the strategic objective of turning it into the first geographical area climáticamente neutral by 2050.

With this package of political initiatives, lays the foundation for transforming the eu into a prosperous and equitable society,modern and competitive economy,prepared for the future challenges.

From the centre for technological development and innovation (CDTI), will be built that future throughthe initiatives of research, development and innovation (r + D + i)submitted by smes, MIDCAPS and large companies of our country.

niña leyendo

In accordance with the objectives of the european Green investments in r + D + i in the eu should be environmentally sustainable, and in june 2020 settled,Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (Regulation of taxonomy), the basis for determining whether an economic activity would meet the principle of non-cause significant harm to the environment ("Do not significant harm" or DNSH, by its initials in english).

All the actions that will be implemented 2021-2027 ERDF co-financing, should meet most of the 6 environmental targets contained in article 17 of the above-mentioned rules:

  1. Mitigation of climate change
  2. Adaptation to climate change
  3. Sustainable use and protection of water resources and marine resources
  4. Circular economy
  5. Pollution prevention and control
  6. Protection and recovery of ecosystems and biodiversity

    What must provide the applicant entities to prove compliance of DNSH?

    Those who apply for funding CDTI and which are proposed to receive cofinancing 2021-2027 ERDF must submit a validation Views issued by an entity accredited by5entity or accredited by another member state of the european union, as well as a self-assessment issued by the applicant of aid (in the case of consorciados, Only the leader should submit a single validation views that encompasses all the activities of the project). In Addition, the entities will also have to make the Validation report issued by the same entity responsible for the certification of self-evaluation.

    All this documentation, should follow the criteriaOutline of accreditation of agencies of verification and validation for compliance with the principle of “ significant harm to the environment ” (DNSH)

    Timing of the submission of the ERDF DNSH in

    Recipients of aid ERDF 2021-2027 shall have a maximum period of three months from the notification of the adoption of aid, on the part of the governing council, to introduce CDTI documentation to support the implementation of the DNSH and throughout their life cycle.

    In addition, you can request a month extension, through the electronic site, only to cases duly justified.

    * NOTE:By resolution agreed by the Director General of the CDTI, has been establishedmonth of august 2024aspermanently availablefor the purposes of calculatingtimingset for the presentation of documentation for the DNSH in ERDF 2021-2027.

    Here you can watch a video summary with the deadlines for submission of the ERDF 2021-2027: DNSH in

    Timing of the submission of the ERDF 2021-2027 DNSH in

    Assess How the principle DNSH?

    Self-evaluation of compliance with the principle DNSH carried out by submitting entities of aid, it should identify all direct and indirect impacts that action has, throughout the life cycle of the project, on each of the 6 environmental objectives.

    The self-assessment methodology will continue to the following guidelines and recommendations:

    Commitment to compliance with the principle DNSH

    Both the entity or entities directly engaged in action, and that are direct beneficiaries of financial instruments for the financing of the proceedings which come under ERDF 2021-2027, as suppliers or service providers with those which are to implement the action, should comply at all times the principle DNSH.

    Questions Frecuentes- FAQs

    Any doubts or questions with regard to the principle DNSHin the projects eligible to receive 2021-2027 FEDERthey should be sent to the email address:gpp _ erdf _

    Departamento de Gestión de Fondos Internacionales


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