
Subsidies are aid funds.

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These direct grants finance R&D projects by Spanish SMEs which have received the Seal of Excellence as part of the framework of the Accelerator instrument within the European Innovation Council's Horizon Europe
This assistance funded r & D projects which have been selected in the calls of the international agenda concluded "Strategic Programme Korea Spain", formalized through the memorandum of understanding between the
The State Plan of scientific and technical research and Innovation 2021-2023 (PEICTI) to develop, fund and implement public policies of the General state administration on the promotion and coordination of the R + D + I.
The present resolution is intended to adopt the procedure for granting direct aid, 2023, within the framework of the proceedings "International collaborative projects" of the state programme to address the priorities of
NEOTEC Programme aims to support for the establishment and consolidation of technology-based enterprises.A technology-based company (EBT) is a company whose activity focuses on the exploitation of products or services