José Miguel bermudez, CEO of bound4blue: “ the CDTI Innovation has contributed to our development as a company ”

The company bound4blue has positioned itself as the highly innovative smes in the transport sector. In the past 10 years has experienced rapid growth and enterprise development has had many investors as the CDTI Innovation, in this case through joint investment initiative Innvierte programme

Foto José Miguel Minguez -CEO de bound4blue
This technology produces uplifting seven times more than a conventional air wing

Two decades ago, three aircraft engineers a visionary spirit decided to create a company to address the significant impact that shipping is on the environment. In 2002, the maritime transport sector contributed with a 3 per cent to global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), which emphasizes the critical need to provide sustainable solutions without compromising the profitability.

While it is true that in recent years have been taken at international level to reduce the high consumption of fuel and emissions of the shipping industry, there are still many challenges to the large volume of maritime transport throughout the world.

The experience in aerodynamics of José Miguel bermudez, CEO and one of the founders ofbound4blue, has been essential in the design and develop a candle system that is based on suction, through the wind, different types of boats. In Addition, operates autonomously as a turnkey solution for shipowners and shipping companies that seek to reduce the cost of fuel and polluting emissions.

This system, called eSAIL ®, has already been installed in three ships and bound4blue has signed agreements with other additional shipowners and Marubeni Corporation, Louis Dreyfus Company and Odfjell to install it on their fleets.

Future establishment of four eSAILs

Future establishment of four eSAILs 26 meters in height to transport a ship chartered by juice Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC)

“ the current situation, explains José Miguel bermudez, was further complicated by the fact that fuel is the highest operating expenditure for shipowners, which represents approximately 60 per cent of their costs. Accordingly, there is a pressing need to provide solutions that not only will be aligned with the objectives of sustainability, but also to ensure the economic viability of shipowners and operators. The intersection of corporate environmental and financial considerations, highlighting the complexity of the challenges that our project seeks to overcome ”.

Future establishment of three eSAILs of 22 meters

Future establishment of four eSAILs of 22 meters in height on a ship quimiquero (tanquero) owned by Odfjell Tankers

Commitment to innovation

ESAIL ® system is based on the use of a streamlined profile heavy gauge, a system of intelligent suction to enhance its efficiency. This technology produces uplifting seven times more than a conventional air wing.

“ on the other hand, the approach to install candles co-propulsar modern boats has been a challenge for this company. The integration of these candles is not easy because the size of each can reach 36 meters in height. ” Throughout this process i would like to highlight the support that we have had the shipbuilding sector and, above all, among others,CDTI Innovationthat, thanks to its advice and funding, we have been able to continue to improve our objective, continue to invest in r & D and, in this way, we can contribute positively to combat climate change ”.

Future establishment of three eSAILS

Future establishment of three eSAILs of 22 meters in height in a ro-ro chartered by Airbus Louis Dreyfus Armateurs owner

Business expansion

With offices in Cantabria, Barcelona and singapore, and staffed by more than 40 employees, bound4blue is currently in a period of expansion to consolidate its presence in markets like europe and asia.

“ in the coming years we will continue to invest in research and development to improve our solutions of wind propulsion several segments of vessels with the aim of making it more efficient and accessible. On the other hand, we will also extend productive capacities to meet market demand with our partners and potential victims, especially in regions where it currently does not operate ”.

“ furthermore, we will support this growth and expansion through the recruitment and training of specialized personnel in areas such as mechanical engineering and control, production, sales and after-sales service ”.


The CDTI Innovation is the agency for financing innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science, innovation and universities.

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