María Charity García Bust, CEO of Farm Campomayor: “ The aid of CDTI Innovation allow us to be more Agile as a company ”

María Charity García Bust is part of the third generation Campomayor Farm, a family business that has been able to mention a legacy and transforming it into a spanish smes most innovative equipment of the poultry sector

Campomayor has developed a variety of forms of egg white

Everything started 80 years ago when his grandfather had to undertake a little village of Galicia, with 300 chickens as a complement to the family economy back then, and where everything was being done to use with the help of all family members.

“ when one of their children, my father, he was just 14 years, began to work actively in that small business. It Was a worker, ex officio, thorough, responsible and with a bold vein left seen from very young. When my grandfather dies took the reins of the family business and, in 1982, it isFarm Campomayoras a society ”.

Campomayor facilities

Campomayor facilities

Since its responsibility as CEO and entrepreneur, María Charity García ensures that: “ every day, we have many challenges lie ahead but, perhaps at the moment, the elderly are maintaining a balance between the long-term vision and management of the daily challenges face the uncertainty in the market leader in equipment, and be agile and flexible decision-making ”.

Mathematics and linked to the banking sector where he worked for more than 20 years, in 2001 decided to join with full dedication to the top management of the company to consolidate the company in a business model based on innovation and under the guise of controlled growth, solid and prudent.

“ my impression is that the next decade will see a significant increase in the number of women who assume senior positions in the various industries and sectors. Although there is still much to move forward, farm Campomayor we are proud to be part of the change to promote greater representation of women. In fact, our leadership team has a 50 per cent of women ”.


“ our philosophy has always been the same: effort, dedication and affection of brugge. This has allowed us to produce and market fresh eggs from free-range hens, ecological, domestic servants in soil and as usual. Also sells exclusively at low temperature eggs that are cooked in their own ready-to-skin and other fortified with Omega 3, without forgetting our ovoproductos as are the pads, clear and around pasteurized ”.

“ they are for many years of work aimed at our products are recognized among the best of the food sector at the national level. It is not by chance. The quality and freshness have much to do with the location of our facilities located in a privileged environment where our animals enjoy special treatment, feeling, at any time, its habitat. Only with open an egg of Farm Campomayor we can see that is different and that is perceived to our customers ”.

In the laboratory test

Lab test


With just four specialists in the r + D + I department, the company has been developing a continuous research to obtain products with food properties. Some of its projects have been cofinanced by theCDTI Innovationanderdf funds.

In 2022 initiated the development of the project OVOEXPAND whose aim is to get a new range of products which hydrolyzed egg whites that they can be stored at room temperature by submitting a commercial life exceeding three months. It is intended to obtain drinks obtained by means of treatments to Ultra High Temperatures (UHT) and other culinary products as sauces and creams.

“ the hydrolysis proteica – ensures – is a technology which break specific areas of the protein and occur peptides can offer, smells and flavours may be less stable to other technologies used for the delivery of outputs, with a long useful life. What we have worked are different variables for these hidrolizados is suitable for the production of long life ”.

For its development has been confinanciación ofCDTI InnovationandErdf Fundsthe collaboration of several research centres,AINIA technological centreandUniversity of Santiago de Compostela.

“ i would like to stress that both initiatives financed by the CDTI innovation as mobilized at the regional levelGalician agency innovationare essential tools that help us to be more Agile, with a narrow structure, reduce the risk, and enter an ecosystem in which we are in contact with different actors can help us in our day-to-day technical level ”.

Development of egg cooked at low temperature

Development of egg cooked at low temperature

Global patent

“ Since we have always believed firmly in the potential of the egg as a commodity, exceptionally versatile schouwen still undiscovered. To explore opportunities, the patent indagamos developed by Marta Miguel (CIAL-CSIC) and the renowned chef Mario Sandoval. Intrigued by this study, we contacted them and, today, we are the exclusive licensees of the patent to the global level ”.

“ in considering the work done, we realised that this patent could mark the beginning of a new era for the use of the egg as feedstock. By combining different technologies, we can see the possibility of creating something completely innovative ”.

“ as a result of years of effort, we have been able to develop a variety of forms of egg whites. These ingredients are versatile and can be integrated into various food matrices, allowing for the elimination of thickeners, emulgentes gelificantes blowing, or also significantly improve the nutritional profile of food by providing high-quality protein, fat and carbohydrates. without This juicy drinks and posed an alternative to milk and vegetable drinks, lactose, gluten-free, non-fat and sugar added. As A result of these developments have been a spin-off to expand the market of our product range Wovo as well as its base ingredient. The search for innovative solutions based on the egg will remain the cornerstone of our business ”.

Technological challenges

“ indeed, in recent years the greatest technological achievement has been able to industrialize the patent that we have a degree, which has been quite complex for the disruption of this innovation. In addition to this patent, we are working in different very innovative that will no doubt, very popular in the market ”.

In the coming years Campomayor Farm must adapt to the digital environment to optimize processes and operations and thus maximize its operational performance.

“ we must not forget – explains its CEO – that the speed and transparency are essential to respond to the increasing demands of consumers and maintain the relevance in the changing market. Moreover, we are facing numerous challenges marked by inflation, containment of consumption and rising interest rates. The collaboration between companies, innovation, authenticity in the communication and talent management with humanist approach are essential to navigate this turbulence ”.

With a factuación that exceeds eur 39 million in the domestic market, at a future trusts sell some of its products abroad.


The CDTI Innovation is the agency for financing innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science, innovation and universities.

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