The CDTI manages the FEDER geared towards encouraging r + D + I companies since 1994, to be one of the spanish agencies pioneers in the use of structural funds for this purpose.

The lines of action from the CDTI are concentrated in two priority AxesOperational Programme 2014-2020 Plurirregional of Spainspecifically, the following:

Priority Area 1 (EP1): Promote research, technological development and innovation

  • Specific objective OE.1.1.2. Strengthening r & D institutions and creation, consolidation and improvement of scientific and technological infrastructure.
  • Specific objective OE.1.2.1. Momentum and promotion of r & i led by enterprises, support for the establishment and consolidation of innovative enterprises and support innovative public procurement.

Priority Area 13 (EP13): Core of technical assistanceToolkit. Axis aimed at effective implementation of the Operational Programme to support the activity and capacity to manage and control, as well as to improve the system of governance and partnership among all actors. The selection of CDTI conducts operations in this area through internal call for expressions of interest for the cofinancing of proceedings in the areas of management, Communication and the network of policies of I + D + I.

Lines of action from the CDTI

In the field ERDF operational program 2014-2020 Plurirregional of Spain, the CDTI earmarked funds in the following lines of aid and programmes:

The period of eligibility for the cofinancing of these proceedings is from the 01/01/2014 until 31/12/2023.

Obligations in relation to the operational programme Pluriregional spain 2014-2020 (ERDF)

The acceptance of ERDF funding implies certain obligations on the part of the beneficiary, uniquely in the area of dissemination and acceptance of any checks and audits. These obligations are reflected in national regulations and of the european union for the management of the ERDF funds, and that the beneficiary of this type of aid. The official most relevant are available in the Related documentation.

Listed below are some of the obligations and conditions of the ERDF aid recipient under Operational Programme 2014-2020: Plurirregional of Spain

1. In accordance with Annex XII, section 2.2, of the rules of procedure (EU) no. 1303/2013, the beneficiary must:

  • To acknowledge the support of the ERDF to operation showing in all information and communication measures to carry out the emblem of the union, with the technical specifications set out in the implementing regulation (EU) no. 821/2014 of 28 july 2014 to lay down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) no. 1303/2013 of the european parliament and of the council, as well as a reference to the european union, and a reference to the fund provides support to the operation.
  • Inform the public of the erdf support raised during the implementation of the project to make a brief description of it in your website, if you have one, in proportion to the level of support, with its objectives and results, and stressing the financial support of the union.
  • Place, in a clearly visible place for the public, a poster or permanent plate of significant size within three months after the conclusion of the project. The poster or plate will indicate the name and the main objective of the operation, a reference to the european Union and the merits which gives support to operations, in accordance with the technical characteristics taken by the commission in the Implementing regulation (EU) no. 821/2014 of 28 july 2014 to lay down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) no. 1303/2013 of the european parliament and the council (article 115 (4).

2. To Keep all supporting documentation of the operations cofinanced and every document (originals or copies compulsadas as legally accepted) related to project certificates for the time necessary for audit and inspection, consideration by the national authorities and/or operational program 2014-2020 Plurirregional of Spain.
According to article 140 of the rules of procedure 1303/2013, this time is as follows:

  • Operations whose eligible expenditure is less than €1 million: three years after 31 december following the presentation of accounts to the transaction costs.
  • Operations not included in the preceding paragraph: two years after 31 december following the presentation of accounts to final cost of the operation.

3. To maintain a system of separate accounting for all transactions related to the project co-financed, or at least have a proper accounting coding to clearly identify the underlying transactions.

4. To accept its inclusion in the list of the operations management Authority (General Directorate of Community funds, the ministry of finance), under article 115 (2) (EU) nº1303/2013. The minimum information that will appear in the list of operations contained in Annex XII, paragraph 1, of the Rules of procedure.

5. The staff costs own against the draft staff must be discharged in some form of work of the Autonomous community of development. This should be indicated by document TC2 or RNT (Nominal Relationship of workers) for workers in the System of Social security.

6. Fulfil all obligations imposed by the community rules concerning the ERDF, particularly those relating to geographical criteria, incompatibility of public aid, environmental protection, equality between men and women and non-discrimination, custody and preservation of the documentation and information and publicity; as well as the spanish regulations to be said of it.

7. Fulfil the obligations relating to the correction of irregularities, including flat-rate, and subsequent decline in aid corresponding ERDF and the transfer of sums unduly received, together with possible interest on late payments.

8. To participate in the follow-up, evaluation and control, in accordance with eu rules, must do the different authorities and Organs of control.

Also, in relation to the obligations of the Operational Programme 2014-2020 Plurirregional of Spain, the CDTI reports:

a) the possibility that the management authority use the information reported, in accordance with european standards and national levels applicable to the structural funds, to conduct risk analysis with the help of specific computer located in the european Union.

(b) the possibility of communicating to the swiss coordination unit, Uclaf (SNCA) those facts that could constitute fraud or irregularity (in terms of communication 1/2017 of SNCA of 6 april, about the way to proceed anyone with knowledge of facts that can constitute fraud or irregularity in connection with projects and operations funded wholly or partly with funds from the european union).

Selection criteria

The basic criteria that must meet all operations to be selected are:

  • Accordance with the national and community Regulations on Structural Funds and investment and on European state aid
  • Adaptation to the objectives of the programme.
  • Adaptation to the strategy of the national Plan of r + D + I
  • R & D activities: support for research and development, mainly from the evidence phase in concept to pilot phase. Include both the development of new products as new processes and a substantial improvement in the same.
  • Competitive advantage: projects should contribute to creating a competitive advantage for companies in their respective spheres of action, while also serve to increase the level of technical knowledge of the sector in which they are framed.

The basic criteria for prioritizing the operations are:

  • Technical and financial capacity: Beneficiaries need proper technical and financial capacity sufficient to carry out the project and to exploit their results.
  • Científico-técnica quality and degree of innovation
  • Market orientation
  • Job creation
  • Induced investment
  • Implementation of gender equality policy
  • Environmental improvement

The percentages of weighting are established in the calls for.

Excluded segments of the ERDF aid

ERDF aid be granted not in the following areas:

  • Tobacco industry
  • Investments to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gases, except for those in which this reduction is its indirect effect
  • Research projects or development of technology or usomilitar teams

European legislation:

  • Regulation EU 1301/2013
  • European parliament resolution B8-0861/2016

Therefore, specifically, the CDTI will not grant aid through ERDF * to the following categories of projects:

  • Projects relating to the manufacture of tobacco or for the tobacco industry (tobacco)
  • Projects which are the development of equipment or technology with military status
  • Projects to finance investment and whose main objective the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases listed in annex I to directive 2003/87/ec as amended by directive 2009/29/ec
  • Projects considered of r & D related with an investment project whose main objectives the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the activities listed in annex I to directive 2003/87/ec as amended by directive 2009/29/ec

*This policy does not preclude thegranting aidto this type of projects through the CDTI own funds.

Note on the charging of expenditures in general projects supported by the erdf

For projects approved from 25 october 2012, the amount of overhead which shall be eligible for the purposes of applying for eu cofinancing of aid, will be the result of implementing the approach proposed by the CDTI to the General Intervention of state administration (IGAE) and reported to the management Authority, dated 19 july 2012, and the subsequent confirms its implementation with the adoption in 2016 in managing the CDTI as Intermediary.

This method provides a lump sum and is based on the calculation of a maximum rate of eligibility, for each operation or project, of overheads to certify. This percentage was established during the time of adoption of each operation. The overhead charge to each operation shall direct to the actual cost of this project by the weighted average general cost allocation sector calculated the average company that comes from a pro rata basis between general expenditures and actual total cost of staff in the sector that provides the CDTI. The limit of the indirect costs found on the basis of this lump sum may not exceed 20% of direct costs.

Fraud and irregularities in project management recipients of eu funds

Any person with knowledge of facts that could constitute fraud or irregularity in connection with projects and operations funded wholly or partly with funds from the european union within the framework of the present convening such events can be put to the swiss coordination unit fraud General Intervention of state administration, by electronic means, through the channel enabled by the service in theweb addressand in the terms of communication 1/2017, of 3 april, the facility, which is included in subparagraph ("" documentation of this website.