In recent years, environmental deterioration has promoted the development of technologies for sustainable agriculture, low-emission and resilient to climate change
The input committed by the CDTI Innovation is €270,000
Cooperation between Japan and the european union to promote research in the field of merger contributes to a cleaner future energy supply
The deadline for submission of requests to this call continued opens on 4 december 2023, no date of closure
The CDTI innovation is the point of contact for spanish companies interested in participating in tenders for the major Scientific Facilities
This award is an acknowledgement of the continued support of the CDTI to promote innovation and development of domestic technological operators
These enable particle accelerators to study the matter and their property
Spain maintains a close technology cooperation with Malaysia
The CDTI Innovation, sponsor and sole shareholder of society Innvierte, has closed 5 operations during the last october, in the amount of €9.872.000, in particular: